Sunday, December 25, 2011

Funny Phobia's :D

blutophobia - is the fea of bathing
lektorophobia - is the fear of chicken
nablepophobia - is the fear of looking up
rachibuyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof f the mouth
basophobia - is the fear of walking
bibliphobia - is the fear of books
chrometophobia - os the fear of money
Chronophobia - is the fear of time
Coulrophobia - is the fear of clowns
Genuphobia - is the fear of knees
Geumaphobia - is the fear of taste
Gnosiophobia - is the fear of knowledge
Gymnophobia - is the fear being naked
Heliophobia - is fear of the sun
Kleptophobia - is the fear of stealing
Lachannophobia - is the fear of vegestables
Logophobia - is the fear of words
Mnemophobia - is the fear of memories
Myrmecophobia - is the fear of ants
Nebulaphobia - is the fear of fog
Ochophobia - is fear of vehicles
Ombrophobia - is the fear of rain
Ornithophobia - is the fear of birds
Paraskavedekatriaphobia - is the fear of Friday the 13th
Peladophobia is the fear of bald people
Philophobia - is the fear of falling in love
photophobia is the fear of light
Pneumatophobia is the fear of air
Pogonophobia - is the fear of beards
Somniphobia - is the fear of sleep
Syngenesophobia - is fear of relatives
Tonsurophobia - is the fear of haircuts
Vestiphobia - is the fear of clothing
Wiccaphobia is the fear of witches and witchcraft
Xenophobia is the fear of strangers or foreigners
Zemmiphobia is the fear of the great mole rat
Zoophobia - is the fear of animals
Panophobia - is the fear of everyting

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