Monday, April 30, 2012

LOVELY REAPER (Flower Hat Jelly)

By Frans Lanting

I just love it so i ReBlog it for you to know

If you're a small fish living in the waters off Brazil, Argentina,
or southern Japan, delicate tendrils and a distinctive pinstriped bell may be the last
thing you ever see. The flower hat jelly (Olindias formosa) is rare species of jellyfish
that can grow up to 15 centimetres or so. It may look fragile to us, but this jelly is
an effective predator of the sea. Normally its tentacles, and the venom-filled
stinging cells, are coiled up and kept near its rim, but just let an anemy or prey come to near, and these weapon get whipped out in a flash. Although its venom is not likely to kill humnas, getting stung by one will still hurt, so look out!

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