Monday, July 23, 2012

Benefits on waking up Early

1. Time to Exercise

Waking up early gives you the time to exercise. You can easily go for a jog, do a few laps in the pool, practice yoga or hit the gym with plenty of time at hand.

2. Time to Meditate

There is nothing like beginning the day with a dose of meditation. It will help calm your mind and sharpen your reflexes to keep you going through your busy schedule of work.

3. Experience the Charm of Early Morning

Only an early morning person knows the charm and serenity that those hours offer. The silence, the birds chirping, the absence of cars honking, and the sunrise are all advantages only early rising can offer.

4. Increase Productivity and Efficiency

A study conducted at the Texas University in 2008 revealed that early risers are more prone to be productive and efficient at work. In fact, students who wake up early are known to get higher grades than those who wake up late.

5. Eating Breakfast

Breakfast is known to be the most important meal of the day. Often, you may land up skipping it if you are running late for work. An early start to the day ensures that this significant meal is never given the slip.

6. Less Stress

Giving you ample time to get ready on time, waking up early ensures that you suffer less stress. Beat the traffic and drive to work at ease.

7. Set Routine

Once you get into the habit of rising early, you are able to set a routine and that obviously leads to better productivity not only at work, but also on the home front and as an individual.

8. Brighter Mood

Early risers are known to be happier and more optimistic than night owls. The latter are known to suffer depression, insomnia and pessimism. The bright start with exercise and optimism is bound to keep you feeling energised and optimistic all day.

9. Better Health

Proper routine and exercise are known factors in ensuring better health in the long run. Waking up early ensures you set aside time to work out. Late risers lack the advantage of time for this.

10. Better Finances

Improved health, enhanced productivity and ameliorated energy can only result in one thing – a higher rate of success. And when this happens in your career, can financial triumph be far behind? So, rise early to kickstart a really great way of doing well in the professional sphere as well.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to Succeed in a Math Class (Math Secrets)

Get a “can do” attitude: 
If you can do it in sports, music, dance, etc., you can do it in math! Try not to let fear or negative experiences turn you off to math.

Practice a little math every day: 
It helps you build up your confidence and move your brain away from the panic button at test time.

Take advantage of your math class: 
If you are a college or high school student, realize that most colleges and universities require at least college algebra for any bachelor's degree. Some classes, like chemistry, nursing, statistics, etc. will require some algebra skills to succeed in them. If you are getting a bachelor's degree, then chances are you are going for a professional job. Most professional jobs require at least some math. Granted, some more than others, but nonetheless math (problem solving, numbers, etc...) is everywhere. So make sure that you embrace your math experience and make the most of it.

Attend class full time: 
Math is a sequential subject. That means that what you are learning today builds on what you learned yesterday.

Keep up with the homework: 
It sounds simple but your time is limited, you have a job to go to, etc.. Think of it this way: No homework, no learning. Homework helps you practice the applications of math concepts.

Try to understand the math problems: 
When you work homework problems, ask yourself what you are looking for and how you are going to get there. Don’t just follow the example. Work the problem step-by-step until you know why you are doing what you are and have arrived at the solution

Use index cards to study tests: 
Here’s how you do that: When studying for a test, make sure you can understand the problems on each math concept as well as work them. Then make the index cards with problems on them. Mix the index cards (yes, shuffle the cards to mix them up) and set the timer.

Ask questions in class: 
Don’t be ashamed to ask questions. The instructor WILL NOT make fun of you. In fact, at least one other person may have the same question.

Ask questions outside of class: 
OK, so like most people, you don’t want to ask questions in class, OR you think of a question too late. Then go to the instructor’s office and ask away.

Check homework assignments: 
Make sure that when you get your graded homework back you look over what you got right as well as what you missed.

Pay attention in class: Math snowballs. If you don’t stay alert to the instructor’s presentation, you may miss important steps to learning concepts. Remember, today’s information sets the foundation for tomorrow’s work.

Don’t talk in class: 
If you have questions, please ask the instructor. The information you get from classmates may be mathematically wrong! And if it isn’t related to math info for this class, save it for outside the classroom.

Read the math textbook and study guide:
Yes, there’s a reason why we ask you to spend all that money on them. If you look carefully, you will see that your book contains pages with great examples, explanations and definitions of terms. Take advantage of them.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chocolate Hills of Bohol Philippines

The Chocolate Hills are located on the Island of Bohol. They are over 1,200 hills, covering over 50 km² and get their name because the grass which covers the hills turns brown during the dry season. The hills are almost all conical in shape and made of limestone. Many people have believed that they were human creations. Geologists are not entirely sure how they were created. Theories include erosion of limestone, volcanic uplift, and accretion of limestone around basalt fragments from a volcanic eruption. The government of the Philippines has declared it one of their flagship tourist destinations. The Chocolate Hills are so central to the people of Bohol, they appear on the flag of the province.

Tubbataha Reef

Located in the middle of the Sulu Sea, Tubbataha Reef is one of the largest and best preserved reef systems in the world. Actually composed to two atolls, Tubbataha is far removed from any human settlement, it is a 92 mile boat trip from the city of Puerto Princessa. The marine park covers over 968 km² and is home to over 300 coral species and 400 fish species, rivaling the diversity of the Great Barrier Reef. The few pieces of atoll which are above water are also home to a large number of seabirds. It was inscribed on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites in 1993.