Thursday, July 02, 2015

Dating Child Actor na si Jiro Manio, nag palaboy-laboy sa NAIA Terminal 3

          Former actor Jiro Manio is under the custody of airport security at the NAIA 3 until his family fetches him from their office. His father, Andrew says Jiro is undergoing a second wave of rehabilitation for his drug addiction and left their home because he got into an argument with him. Director Maryo J Delos Reyes also asks the entertainment industry to help Jiro. 

According to the Facebook user named Jennifer Dyan Manio Enaje, the actor left their home on Saturday night and they haven't seen again after that. She even mentioned that when Jiro was still with them, they  tried talking to him but they  got no response. They are thinking that Jiro might be suffering severe depression, they wanted to bring him to a hospital and see a doctor to receive medical treatments, but they lack money.

In the recent post of, everyone was indeed surprised to find out that the  actor was already staying and roaming  around the NAIA Terminal 3 for a couple of days.

NAIA terminal 3 security guard named Frank Sorca immediately  recognized him and pitied him. 

"He looked as if he hasn't had any decent meal and his clothes were dirty." The guard said.
Also, according the guard, when he saw Jiro, he has bruises in his arms. He even asked him what he's doing at the  NAIA and Jiro  simply replied that he  have enemies at home. The guard even said mentioned that every time he asks the  same question, Jiro's answer varies.

The employees at the NAIA Terminal 3 have been giving him food and other basic needs. 

But Jiro was somehow confused as to why people are  being  nice to him and  why he catches so much attention. When  he was asked if he was an actor, he insisted that he isn't an actor.

see video at abs-cbn news and trendingportal

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Butuan Goddess Georgina Fortalejo - FHM Girlfriend Of The Month July 2015

Georgina Fortalejo a car  show model decided to move towns. She is from Butuan City. Philippines. She is very pretty, friendly, a happy person, kind and more and if I had a chance to marry someone it would be Georgina Fortalejo.
Georgina is part of our Valeen Montenegro-led new issue, now available in supermarkets, newsstands, and bookstores everywhere!
In her interview with FHM Philippines.
You’re all smiles in almost every photo—did the photographer put you up to it, or masayahin ka lang talaga?
Masayahin lang talaga ako, ha ha! My friends call me happy-go-luckykasi I always make it a point to enjoy the things I do, and I always smile because for me, smiling is attractive—it catches people’s attention.
You sure caught ours. Were you in any pageants before all this?
I was! I joined a lot of beauty pageants back in my hometown in Butuan. Medyo marami-rami na. The most memorable one siguro was when Miriam Quiambao was one of the judges. That was special because she told me she liked my answers. I also held the crown for Ms. Tourism Butuan for a year back in 2013.
But then you left Butuan for Manila?
Yes, I moved here to Manila, met some photographers, and then I started doing car shows and events, and now I’m doing FHM! In lingerie! Ha ha!
Not very different from what you’d wear in pageants we’re sure, you look so at home in a two-piece. Would you wear just bra and panties as pambahay, though?
Yes, sometimes kasi sobrang init. So sometimes panties and a sando lang when I go to sleep. And when I work out inside my room, I only wear sports bra and boy leg panties, yung masikip.
Check her facebook

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Source FHM Philippines