Sunday, May 27, 2012

Smallest artificial heart

Italian heart surgeon Antonio Amodeo and his team implant a tiny titanium pump, the world's smallest artificial heart, in a baby, at the Bambino Gesu' Hospital in Rome, in this undated handout picture made available to Reuters May 24, 2012. Doctors from Rome's Bambino Gesu' Hospital saved the life of the 16-month-old baby in March with the artificial...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Winrar Trivia

WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. It can backup your data and reduce the size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format....

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Fire Disaster in Butuan City ( Sunog sa NOVO)

Seventeen shop staff sleeping in a Philippines department store were killed when a fire swept through the building before dawn on Wednesday, local authorities said.Twenty-one female employees were trapped in the fire, with one person still missing and three surviving by jumping from a second-storey window, the provincial fire department said.Eleven bodies were recovered soon after the fire...

Saturday, May 05, 2012




according to what i read in discovery magazine cheetahs communicate with each other not with roars, But with purrs, bleats, barks, growls, hisses, and - most adorably - chirps? cute though their vocalisations may be, they don't detract at all from their prowess as hunters...

PISTOL SHRIMP (sonic boom shirmp)

Also known as the snapping shrimp, This crustacean wields a deceptively deadly claw. By "cocking" ht claw back and pointing it at prey, It can produce a sonic boom that stuns its poor victim the resulting jet of water reaches 97 kilometres per hour and 5,00 kelvin - close to the temperature of the sun...


• PREP LIKE A PRO Do safety checks(is the can on fire? If so, replace it). Make your cas as visible and audible as possible, so you can be found in case of a crash. Posible modifucations include a musical horn, neon lights and a mounted flare cannon. Bring adequate supplies, such as spare tyres, food and a...


You know an animal is tough when it preys on the portuguese man-of-war (physalia physalis), A jellyfis-like creature known for having one of the most painful stings on the planet. Luckily, These octopuses are immune to toxicity, A fact demonstrated. when they rip off the man-of-war's tentacles and Brandish them as weapons...

BARRELEYE (hidden eyed fish)

This deep-sea fish won't be winning any beauty contest soon, The reason? ITS EYE, rather than being located on the outside of the head, are enclosed in a transparent, fluid-filled compartment, almost like passengers peering out of a can windshield, These ultra sensitive eyes scan upwards for silhouettes of prey....

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Chili Flavored Ice Cream Only in Philippines (sili ice cream)

Proud to be Pinoy at sabihing "More Fun in the Philippines" in new Trending Food in Albay, Bicol, the Chili Flavored ice cream, it was spicy but refreshing . They also have Chili Shakes that really refreshin too....

Little Rome of Philippines (Lipa, Batangas)

Why they call it "Little Rome of the Philippines" in that case, i wonder how it can be called something like that. Well, as i seached about the City of Lipa, I found these reasons why: 14 churches including their Archdiocesan Shrine of Batangas, Philippines. Divino Amor Chapel (Redemptorist): M.K. Lina St., Poblacion, Lipa City Our Lady of...

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Are you Onychophagyians?? (habits of biting nails)

Onychophagy is a scientific name called to people having fun biting their nails or their Habits of biting own nails....

Giant Golden Crown flying Fox (Largest Bat in the world)

Giant Golden Crown flying Fox (Acerodon jubatus) or literally called "Kabog" in the Philippines. This is Large and Huge Bat in the world. It's wingspan is 5 ft. and 7 in.  long, And you can see it only in Philippines PS: they only eat fruits so don't worry :)...


ALWAYS READ THE LABELS ON THE FOODS YOU BUY--NO MATTER WHAT THE FRONT OF THE BOX OR PACKAGE SAYS, TURN IT OVER AND READ THE BACK---CAREFULLY! With all the food and pet products now coming from China, it is best to make sure you read label at the supermarket and especially Walmart (ASDA - US owned) when buying...

Quote Unquote (Bill and Melinda Gates foundation)

Bill Gates "IF I HADN'T GIVEN MY MONEY AWAY, I WOULD NOW HAVE MORE MONEY THAN ANYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET" Bill Gates and Melinda Gates founded a Foundation named "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" in 1994 it is the largest organisations in the world, the minimun donation of its foundation is amounting to US$1.5 billion each year...
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