Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Balut goes to New York

Contestants participate in the first annual balut eating contest in New York, August 25, 2012. The winner consumed 18 the duck eggs which contain fertilized duck embryo's, commonly sold as street food in the Philippines, during the five minute eating contest. The winner Wayne Algenio catches his breath after winning the first annual balut eating contest in New York, August 25, 2012. Algenio won the contest after consuming 18 the duck eggs which contained fertilized duck embryos, commonly sold as street food in the Philippines, during the five minute eating contest.

Balut is really delicious :))

Monday, July 23, 2012

Benefits on waking up Early

1. Time to Exercise

Waking up early gives you the time to exercise. You can easily go for a jog, do a few laps in the pool, practice yoga or hit the gym with plenty of time at hand.

2. Time to Meditate

There is nothing like beginning the day with a dose of meditation. It will help calm your mind and sharpen your reflexes to keep you going through your busy schedule of work.

3. Experience the Charm of Early Morning

Only an early morning person knows the charm and serenity that those hours offer. The silence, the birds chirping, the absence of cars honking, and the sunrise are all advantages only early rising can offer.

4. Increase Productivity and Efficiency

A study conducted at the Texas University in 2008 revealed that early risers are more prone to be productive and efficient at work. In fact, students who wake up early are known to get higher grades than those who wake up late.

5. Eating Breakfast

Breakfast is known to be the most important meal of the day. Often, you may land up skipping it if you are running late for work. An early start to the day ensures that this significant meal is never given the slip.

6. Less Stress

Giving you ample time to get ready on time, waking up early ensures that you suffer less stress. Beat the traffic and drive to work at ease.

7. Set Routine

Once you get into the habit of rising early, you are able to set a routine and that obviously leads to better productivity not only at work, but also on the home front and as an individual.

8. Brighter Mood

Early risers are known to be happier and more optimistic than night owls. The latter are known to suffer depression, insomnia and pessimism. The bright start with exercise and optimism is bound to keep you feeling energised and optimistic all day.

9. Better Health

Proper routine and exercise are known factors in ensuring better health in the long run. Waking up early ensures you set aside time to work out. Late risers lack the advantage of time for this.

10. Better Finances

Improved health, enhanced productivity and ameliorated energy can only result in one thing – a higher rate of success. And when this happens in your career, can financial triumph be far behind? So, rise early to kickstart a really great way of doing well in the professional sphere as well.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to Succeed in a Math Class (Math Secrets)

Get a “can do” attitude: 
If you can do it in sports, music, dance, etc., you can do it in math! Try not to let fear or negative experiences turn you off to math.

Practice a little math every day: 
It helps you build up your confidence and move your brain away from the panic button at test time.

Take advantage of your math class: 
If you are a college or high school student, realize that most colleges and universities require at least college algebra for any bachelor's degree. Some classes, like chemistry, nursing, statistics, etc. will require some algebra skills to succeed in them. If you are getting a bachelor's degree, then chances are you are going for a professional job. Most professional jobs require at least some math. Granted, some more than others, but nonetheless math (problem solving, numbers, etc...) is everywhere. So make sure that you embrace your math experience and make the most of it.

Attend class full time: 
Math is a sequential subject. That means that what you are learning today builds on what you learned yesterday.

Keep up with the homework: 
It sounds simple but your time is limited, you have a job to go to, etc.. Think of it this way: No homework, no learning. Homework helps you practice the applications of math concepts.

Try to understand the math problems: 
When you work homework problems, ask yourself what you are looking for and how you are going to get there. Don’t just follow the example. Work the problem step-by-step until you know why you are doing what you are and have arrived at the solution

Use index cards to study tests: 
Here’s how you do that: When studying for a test, make sure you can understand the problems on each math concept as well as work them. Then make the index cards with problems on them. Mix the index cards (yes, shuffle the cards to mix them up) and set the timer.

Ask questions in class: 
Don’t be ashamed to ask questions. The instructor WILL NOT make fun of you. In fact, at least one other person may have the same question.

Ask questions outside of class: 
OK, so like most people, you don’t want to ask questions in class, OR you think of a question too late. Then go to the instructor’s office and ask away.

Check homework assignments: 
Make sure that when you get your graded homework back you look over what you got right as well as what you missed.

Pay attention in class: Math snowballs. If you don’t stay alert to the instructor’s presentation, you may miss important steps to learning concepts. Remember, today’s information sets the foundation for tomorrow’s work.

Don’t talk in class: 
If you have questions, please ask the instructor. The information you get from classmates may be mathematically wrong! And if it isn’t related to math info for this class, save it for outside the classroom.

Read the math textbook and study guide:
Yes, there’s a reason why we ask you to spend all that money on them. If you look carefully, you will see that your book contains pages with great examples, explanations and definitions of terms. Take advantage of them.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chocolate Hills of Bohol Philippines

The Chocolate Hills are located on the Island of Bohol. They are over 1,200 hills, covering over 50 km² and get their name because the grass which covers the hills turns brown during the dry season. The hills are almost all conical in shape and made of limestone. Many people have believed that they were human creations. Geologists are not entirely sure how they were created. Theories include erosion of limestone, volcanic uplift, and accretion of limestone around basalt fragments from a volcanic eruption. The government of the Philippines has declared it one of their flagship tourist destinations. The Chocolate Hills are so central to the people of Bohol, they appear on the flag of the province.

Tubbataha Reef

Located in the middle of the Sulu Sea, Tubbataha Reef is one of the largest and best preserved reef systems in the world. Actually composed to two atolls, Tubbataha is far removed from any human settlement, it is a 92 mile boat trip from the city of Puerto Princessa. The marine park covers over 968 km² and is home to over 300 coral species and 400 fish species, rivaling the diversity of the Great Barrier Reef. The few pieces of atoll which are above water are also home to a large number of seabirds. It was inscribed on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites in 1993.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Help Banawe Rice Terraces

The Banawe Rice Terraces is officially off the list of world heritage sites in danger, the United Nations Information Center in Manila said Wednesday.

In 1995, the Rice Terraces was included in the World Heritage List "as an outstanding cultural landscape" but was put on the Danger List in 2000.

Farmer said Ifugao Rice Terraces have become endangered because of earthworms and rats that burrow along the walls of the rice paddies. Typhoons have also contributed to the destruction.

Mining activities in the area also posed threats

New Ant Species Discovered in Philippines

About 40 new species of ants have been discovered in the Philippines, ant researcher David General and his colleagues recently announced.
The previously unknown species belong to 11 different genera, the taxonomic classification above species. That brings the total genera (the plural of genus) found in the country to 92, which is nearly a third of the total described worldwide.
General and colleagues conducted their collections at a reforested study site in 2003 and 2004 on Luzon Island. Trees here had been cut down to grow corn 27 years before, but the area had already recovered its populations of native ants when the team visited, he said. When General returned in 2009, though, all the trees in the area had been cut down and removed again, even the stumps. "It's like I was in the wrong place," he said.
This individual species have yet to be named and described.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Japanese medical society found that drinking water immediately after waking up every morning can cure 100% for the following diseases:

  1. Headache.
  2. Body ache.
  3. Heart system.
  4. Arthritis.
  5. Fast heart beat.
  6. Epilepsy.
  7. Excess fatness.
  8. Bronchitis asthma.
  9. TB.
  10. Meningitis.
  11. Kidney and urine diseases.
  12. Vomiting.
  13. Gastritis.
  14. Diarrhea.
  15. Piles.
  16. Diabetes.
  17. Constipation.
  18. All eye diseases.
  19. Womb.
  20. Cancer.
  21. Menstrual disorders.
  22. Ear nose and throat diseases.

  1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water.
  2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute
  3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
  4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
  5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
  6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.

The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases:
  1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)
  2. Gastric (10 days)
  3. Diabetes (30 days)
  4. Constipation (10 days)
  5. Cancer (180 days)
  6. TB (90 days)
  7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily..

This treatment method has no side effects,however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The best foods for your eyes

1. Carrots: The saying turned out to be true. Carrots are actually good for your eyes. Rich in beta-carotene, that protects the eye and reduces the risk of cataracts, carrots can easily be included in your diet in the form of salads or stir-fried veggies.
2. Turkey: A healthier option than red meat, it turns out that turkey is effective in warding off cataract. Loaded with zinc and vitamin B, this meat is a terrific food for your eyes. It tastes best in burgers and salads and is quite versatile. Don’t shy away from experimenting.
3. Spinach: Along with carrots, spinach is probably the other food that pops in your mind when you think of foods that helpmaintain eye health. And not without reason. Packed with beta carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein, vitamin C and a number of antioxidants; spinach works by absorbing more than 40% of blue light intensity that may harm your eyes and increase the pigment density of the macula, thus significantly lowering the risk of macular degeneration.
4. Sweet potatoes: An easy accompaniment to your meal, sweet potatoes taste best when fried or boiled and mashed. They are packed with beta-carotene when makes them a total must-have for eye health.
5. Sardines: Now here’s something you may not have expected. Sardines are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are not only healthy for your heart, but also for your eyes. They can be included in your diet twice a week and they work by protecting the tiny blood vessels in your eyes and maintaining overall eye health.
6. Ostrich meat: Another substitute for red meat, ostrich meat has a good amount of zinc. Zinc plays a vital role in maintaining eye health by aiding smooth enzyme function. For people suffering from macular degeneration, ostrich meat is one of the best foods. The low levels of zinc in the retina during macular degeneration can be thus successfully leveled up by including ostrich meat in your diet.
7. Other foods to add: Foods rich in beta-carotene, zinc, vitamins C and E and in omega 3 fatty acids are the ones that should make it to your meal everyday to ensure excellent eye health. Add cherries, almonds, peanut butter, avocadoes, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, corn, strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers and oranges to your diet.

ReBlog from: http://ph.she.yahoo.com/eye-love-best-foods-eyes-033036493.html 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mommy Dionisia got collapse after Pacquiao vs Bradley Fight

Mommy D. is really upset with the results of  Pacquiao vs. Bradley fight.. and she does the thing collapse?? i dont know what does it mean basta nahimatay siya.
Hope you're be doing okay Mommy D. :{

PS: you've got company of being upset including me!!

hmmm, why don't you create Fan page in facebook named "UPSETing Results" or  Hashtagged #Mommy D UPSET in twitter and of course you're the admin Mommy D..

HILOT lang kulang ana!!

Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao lost his fight with Bradley

CLICK the picture to ENLARGE

How could bradley wins with this scores from round 1 to 12??

Could it be Bias to Bradley and not to Peoples Champ Manny Pcquiao??

or this meant for the awaiting REMATCH next year?? 2013??

First eight provinces that revolted against Spain

The 8 primary rays of the Sun on the Philippine flag represent the 8 provinces which declared a state of war as soon as the first revolt was initiated in the Philippine War of Independence from Spain (1896). The provinces were placed under martial law by the Spanish colonial government. The provinces were 
Nueva Ecija 

Philippine Flag and Symbolism (watawat ng pilipinas)


BLUE FIELD - stands for peace, truth, and justice

RED FIELD - stands for patriotism and valor

WHITE TRIANGLE - stands for equality and fraternity

EIGHT RAYS OF THE YELLOW SUN - represents the original eight provinces that started the Philippine revolution against Spanish rule

THREE YELLOW STAR - represents Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, the three geographical division of the country

Friday, June 08, 2012

Chewing Gum can kill birds??? should we BEWARE of it??

The gum you throw on the ground looks like a pieces of bread in the Bird and eat it thinking they went up to her mouth and stuck until their unable to eat and to drink and they slowly die.

it this real or just a humor??

But, a Central Pennsylvania Wildlife Expert, who deal with different species of birds answered this.
That birds have many variables in their interest and could eats a large gum(or something ).or maybe its a monkey eating that gum and not a bird at all..


hope this post will aware us.

PS: don't throw your GUMS ANYWHERE

Anne Curtis Smith is now Doing his Hollywood Film the "Blood Ransom"

Anne Curtis Smith confirmed and bid "it's showtime" temporarily good-bye for a Hollywood film "Blood Ransom" a crime thriller film directed by Filipino-American Francis dela Torre, who also wrote the screenplay.

Anne tweeted that she is indeed shooting the movie in California.

"On my way to the set! Looks like its going to be another long night! Im always so excited though! #BloodRansom," Anne said. She also posted a link to a photo of hers in the movie’s poster.

and also said that she's tired but happy all along doing the film ...

BLOOD RANSOM will release on theater in 2013.

"Vampire" skeleton found in Bulgaria? in this real??

Melbourne, June 6 (ANI): Archaeologists in Bulgaria have unearthed two skeletons from the Middle Ages, which were pierced through the chest with iron rods to keep them from turning into vampires, the head of the history museum said on Wednesday.

Pagan's believed that people who were considered bad during their lifetimes might turn into vampires after death unless stabbed in the chest with an iron or wooden rod before being buried.

"These two skeletons stabbed with rods illustrate a practice which was common in some Bulgarian villages up until the first decade of the 20th century," News.co.au quoted national history museum chief Bozhidar Dimitrov as saying after the recent find in the Black Sea town of Sozopol.

The historian explained that the people also believed the rod would also pin the dead into their graves and prevent them from leaving at midnight and terrorizing the living.

The practice was common, Dimitrov added, saying that some 100 similar burials already had been found in Bulgaria.

Archaeologist Petar Balabanov, who in 2004 unearthed six nailed-down skeletons at a site near the eastern town of Debelt, said that the pagan rite was also practiced in neighbouring Serbia and other Balkan countries.

Vampire legends are widespread across the Balkans. The most famous of them all is that of Romanian Count Vlad the Impaler, known as Dracula, who staked his war enemies and drank their blood. (ANI)

re-posted from articles of; ANI | ANI in yahoo

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Smallest artificial heart

Italian heart surgeon Antonio Amodeo and his team implant a tiny titanium pump, the world's smallest artificial heart, in a baby, at the Bambino Gesu' Hospital in Rome, in this undated handout picture made available to Reuters May 24, 2012. Doctors from Rome's Bambino Gesu' Hospital saved the life of the 16-month-old baby in March with the artificial heart, which weighs only 11 grams, before the infant received an organ donation.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Winrar Trivia

WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. It can backup your data and reduce the size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Fire Disaster in Butuan City ( Sunog sa NOVO)

Seventeen shop staff sleeping in a Philippines department store were killed when a fire swept through the building before dawn on Wednesday, local authorities said.

Twenty-one female employees were trapped in the fire, with one person still missing and three surviving by jumping from a second-storey window, the provincial fire department said.

Eleven bodies were recovered soon after the fire was put out, Chief Inspector Mario Palarca told AFP.

Investigators later found six other corpses, one of his aides said.

"Twenty-one people were asleep on the second floor when the fire struck the ground floor. They could not find the emergency exit because of the huge volume of black smoke," Palarca said by telephone.

Saleswoman Vicky Belez, one of the survivors, said she only survived because she was in the bathroom when the fire broke out.

"I was in the bathroom. Then I saw the huge flames outside so I ran out immediately. There was a lot of smoke and the flames were already huge," the 21-year-old said as doctors treated her burned arms.

Cashier Mylene Tolo, 22, said she narrowly made it out despite the blinding smoke and large flames, which left her with scorched arms.

"We were able to escape the fire because we were awakened by a loud explosion," she said.

The fire occurred in a three-storey department store in Butuan, a city of 300,000 people on the southern island of Mindanao.

It is common in the Philippines for people in low-paid jobs to sleep at their place of work.

The store's assistant supervisor, Berlita Ballestero, said there was only one emergency door linked to the employees' living quarters.

"They must have had trouble getting out because there is only one fire exit," she told AFP.

Loren Catedral, operations officer at the civil defence office in Butuan told AFP the blaze started on the ground floor of the building.

articles from:

Saturday, May 05, 2012




according to what i read in discovery magazine
cheetahs communicate with each other not with roars,
But with purrs, bleats, barks, growls, hisses, and
- most adorably - chirps? cute though their
vocalisations may be, they don't detract at all from
their prowess as hunters

PISTOL SHRIMP (sonic boom shirmp)

Also known as the snapping shrimp,
This crustacean wields a deceptively
deadly claw. By "cocking" ht claw back and pointing
it at prey, It can produce a sonic boom that stuns
its poor victim the resulting jet of water reaches
97 kilometres per hour and 5,00 kelvin - close to the
temperature of the sun



Do safety checks(is the can on fire? If so, replace it).
Make your cas as visible and audible as possible,
so you can be found in case of a crash. Posible
modifucations include a musical horn, neon lights
and a mounted flare cannon. Bring adequate supplies,
such as spare tyres, food and a CD with Steppenwolf's 'Born to Be Wild'


Stay awake by playing eye-spy with yourself.
"I spy with my little eye, a bush Another bush.
ANd a slightly bigger bush."
Though don't stop "spying" the road too!


Many movies take a higly sinister turn when the lead
character picks up a hitch-hiker, who invariably
turns out to be a homicidal maniac with a
dismembered body part or lethal weapon in his (or her)
knapsack. That's not even considering the potentially
spooky twist. Play it safe, don't stop for even
the most attractive travellers


Resisit the urge to ext while driving. It can
increase the distance it takes you to stop the can
by up to 21 metres


Use the heat from your car's radiator to cook food
(wrapped in aluminium foil) while on a long drive.
Good ingredients include chicken, beef, and potatoes.
Bad choices include live lobster and whole lamb carcasses


In event of a collision, go back in time and make sure
you've done the following:

A. Stow anything that ca become a dangerous projectile like
books, CD's in the glove campartment
B. Ensure that your seat headrest has been adjusted to be level
with your head. The less distanse you head to headrest,
the lower your risk of whiplash and injury
C.Become just chubby enough. A study in U.S. found that
obese men were more likely tobe injured in a collision,
but moderately overweight men were cushioned from the blows


Avoid driving distraction: construct a hands-free
drink dispenser, like this "beer helmet". Only use beer on arrival

original article from discovery magazine


You know an animal is tough when it preys
on the portuguese man-of-war (physalia physalis),
A jellyfis-like creature known for having one of the
most painful stings on the planet.
Luckily, These octopuses are immune to toxicity, A fact demonstrated.
when they rip off the man-of-war's tentacles and
Brandish them as weapons

BARRELEYE (hidden eyed fish)

This deep-sea fish won't be winning any
beauty contest soon, The reason? ITS EYE, rather than being located on the outside of the head, are enclosed in a transparent, fluid-filled compartment, almost like passengers peering out of a can windshield, These ultra sensitive eyes scan upwards for silhouettes of prey.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Chili Flavored Ice Cream Only in Philippines (sili ice cream)

Proud to be Pinoy at sabihing "More Fun in the Philippines" in new Trending Food in Albay, Bicol, the Chili Flavored ice cream, it was spicy but refreshing . They also have Chili Shakes that really refreshin too.

Little Rome of Philippines (Lipa, Batangas)

Why they call it "Little Rome of the Philippines" in that case, i wonder how it can be called something like that. Well, as i seached about the City of Lipa, I found these reasons why:

14 churches including their Archdiocesan Shrine of Batangas, Philippines.
  • Divino Amor Chapel (Redemptorist): M.K. Lina St., Poblacion, Lipa City
  • Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Chapel
  • Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church: Antipolo del Norte, Lipa City
  • Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage: Lodlod, Lipa City
  • Parish of Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace: Antipolo del Norte, Lipa City
  • Carmel of Our Lady, Mary Mediatrix of All Grace: Antipolo del Norte, Lipa City
  • San Sebastian Cathedral- C.M. Recto Ave., Poblacion, Lipa City
  • Archdiocesan Shrine of San Vicente Ferrer: Banay-banay, Lipa City
  • San Antonio de Padua Church: Bolbok, Lipa City
  • San Isidro Labrador: San Isidro, Lipa City
  • Santo Nino Parish: Marawoy, Lipa City
  • Santo Nino Parish: Pinagtung-Ulan, Lipa City
  • Parish of St. Therese of the Child Jesus: Talisay, Lipa City
  • St. Benedict Monastery: Pinagtung-Ulan, Lipa City
5 Seminaries and Monasteries
  • St. Francis de Sales (major seminary)
  • St. Francis de Sales (theological seminary)
  • St. Francis de Sales (minor seminary)
  • Oblates of St. Joseph (College of Philosophy)
  • Our Lady of Lourdes Seminary
  • Carmelite Monastery of Lipa
And other Retreat Houses

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Are you Onychophagyians?? (habits of biting nails)

Onychophagy is a scientific name called to people having fun biting their nails or their Habits of biting own nails.

Giant Golden Crown flying Fox (Largest Bat in the world)

Giant Golden Crown flying Fox (Acerodon jubatus) or literally called "Kabog" in the Philippines. This is Large and Huge Bat in the world. It's wingspan is 5 ft. and 7 in.  long, And you can see it only in Philippines

PS: they only eat fruits so don't worry :)



With all the food and pet products now coming from China, it is best to make sure you read label at the supermarket and especially Walmart (ASDA - US owned) when buying food products.
Many products no longer show where they were made, only give where the distributor is located.
The whole world is concerned about China-made "black hearted goods".
Can you differentiate which one is made in Taiwan or China ?
The world is also concerned about GM (Genetically Modified) foods; steroid fed animals etc in USA.

It is important to read the bar code to track its origin.
How to read Bar Codes .... interesting!
This may be useful to know when grocery shopping, if it's a concern to you.
If the first 3 digits of the barcode are 690 691 or 692, the product is MADE IN CHINA. 471 is Made in Taiwan .
If the first 3 digits of the barcode are 00 - 09 then it's made or sourced in USA
This is our right to know, but the government and related departments never educate the public, therefore we have to RESCUE ourselves.
Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that consumers do not prefer products "MADE IN CHINA", so they don't show from which country it is made.

However, you may now refer to the barcode - remember if the first 3 digits are:
690-692 ... then it is MADE IN CHINA
00 - 09 ... USA & CANADA
30 - 37 FRANCE
40 - 44 GERMANY
471 ... Taiwan
49 ... JAPAN
50 ... UK

We need every boost we can get! Pass this on to everybody.
The government won't help us, so we MUST help ourselves.

Credits from Satish Kaku

Quote Unquote (Bill and Melinda Gates foundation)

Bill Gates


Bill Gates and Melinda Gates founded a Foundation named "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" in 1994
it is the largest organisations in the world, the minimun donation of its foundation is amounting to US$1.5 billion
each year or 5% of its assets. The Goes to research such as AIDS, educational scholarships, agricultural
development and more.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Great White Sharks Trivia

Scientist have found that great white sharks are

naturally curious creatures, and don't usually mean to

eat humans. Instead, They are "Sample biting" then

realeasing their victims. such a comforting thought

Facts about Matchstick

In feudal China, around the year 950, scholar Tao Gu wrote in his book
Records of the Unworldly and the Strange : "An ingenious man devised
 the system of impregnating little sticks of pinewood with sulphur and storing
them ready for use. At the slightest touch of fire they burst into flame"

articles from discovery magazine

LOVELY REAPER (Flower Hat Jelly)

By Frans Lanting

I just love it so i ReBlog it for you to know

If you're a small fish living in the waters off Brazil, Argentina,
or southern Japan, delicate tendrils and a distinctive pinstriped bell may be the last
thing you ever see. The flower hat jelly (Olindias formosa) is rare species of jellyfish
that can grow up to 15 centimetres or so. It may look fragile to us, but this jelly is
an effective predator of the sea. Normally its tentacles, and the venom-filled
stinging cells, are coiled up and kept near its rim, but just let an anemy or prey come to near, and these weapon get whipped out in a flash. Although its venom is not likely to kill humnas, getting stung by one will still hurt, so look out!

Jayvhot got a stunning performance on "wil time big time"

Jayvhot a Grade 6 students and 13 yr old GAY sang "im telling you" and its very very stunning performances, She/he might be a
champion as she/he follow her dreams. Dreams not just for her family but to its country Philippines, i may proud to say this line now  "ITS MORE FUN IN THE PHILIPPINES"

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

TEMPURA delicous street food

The ever innovative Filipino reinvented Tempura into a gastronomic, affordable, street version of this oishii (delicious) tempura with matching sweet and sour sauce or hot and spicy sauce.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Valentina First Woman in space

Valentina Tereshkova

First woman in space, in June 1963. The Soviet textile factory worker spent 3 days in orbit - more time than all american astronauts up till then

Tips to have a GOOD SLEEP

Keep your cool
- you can sleep better by decreasing your body temperature such a cary cool inviroment
- a hot bath will increase your skin temperature, which can decreases your core body temperature. Take a bath a half-hour or so before bedtime.

Beware ANti-Sleeping Pills
- many people take bedtime pain relievers that contain caffeine. If you take two, that's as m,uch as a cup of coffee.
- caffeine is not good to our health, you know that.
Quit Sneezing Yourself Awake
- if you have allergies, you're probably better off with a feather pillow than one made of foam
"TV beams light into your eyes, sending a WAKE UP signal to your brain"


Ad spinners are highly trained and certified artisans that perform acrobatic feats with your 6' advertising arrow sign. People passing by can't but help to notice the colorful and animated sign being put through a series of over 200 attention-getting moves to finally come to rest pointing towards your business or event.

Galing nito .. Parang Gusto kong Gawing yan:))

Malunggay a Miracle Tree

Moringa a.k.a. Malunggay is is a multipurpose plant, as the leaves, pods, fruits, flowers, roots and bark of the tree can be utilized. It is also referred to as Drumstick Tree by the Britishers. In the Philippines, they are referred to as malunggay or malungay. Others refer to moringa as horseradish tree, benzolive tree, kelor, marango, mlonge, moonga, nébéday, saijhan, sajna or Ben oil.

Moringa has SEVEN times the vitamin C in oranges,FOUR times the Calcium in milk, FOUR times the vitamin A in carrots, TWO times the protein in milk and THREE times the Potassium in bananas.

Malunggay Tree is easy to plant and grow, you cut some of its branch and dig it into the ground and wait it grow.

Alkaline Drinking Water Benefits

The average suggestion of water consumption per day ranges from 2.5 litres to 4 litres – so it is imperative that we ensure that this water is of the highest quality.

There is a lot of discussion about the merits of alkaline water (particularly in the open publishing medium known as the Internet) – however, regardless of who you listen to regarding this debate there is one thing that is certain:

the process of making making water alkaline increases the purity of the water by filtering out toxins and impurities

For those who are not so sceptical about the benefits of the alkaline lifestyle, alkaline water helps to neutralise acids and remove toxins from the body – it is a great cleanser and helps to detoxify our system.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Get Data Back Using Recuva

I lost my files earlier and don'd know how to bring it back, but when i searched some tutorials online. i found Recuva and yes it does, it can bring back my files. :)

Monday, February 06, 2012

Pay Per Post

The skin jumps opposite the impersonal convenience.

Kahimunan tu Bayugan 2012

Kahimunan tu Bayugan City, is celebrated every last sunday of january of the year. The word "kahimunan" is a Lumad (denote a group of indigenous peoples or "native") of gatherging.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Are you SURFING the Net for Nonsense/Nothing??

Reality check: 

  • teenagers! got surfing to net all the time and just doing nothing..
  • in this post a want to share something about make money online.  
  • YES!! you earn earn online. . 
  • imagine if you surf 10hours a day??
  •  then you will make it 5hours for nonsense things 
  • and another 5hours for making money online..
  • not bad for this option t
  • hen im sure at the on the month you earn a loy of money online..

Earn Online Using MyLot

Are you having fun on adding some comments or suggestion you want to share about?? then its you turn to earn on it. 

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